Ai art is not art. Here’s an idea you can figure out how to hold a camera, and through having actual control of what you are doing do color editing, or perhaps use real people without dead eyes like the ones in your images and take photos of them. You’ve met real people right ? Those that when included as the subject in a real artists work evoke connection communicate emotion and solidify the human condition in relatable ways. This is such idiocy. Use these prompts bc you’re too lazy to learn simple fucking photo and video editing. Here’s why this is not art and you are not an artists. Real artists enjoy making art they don’t try to find ways to avoid every single enjoyable step of the process. But hey in a world over saturated with Thomas Kincaid this ultimately in comparison helps me the anish kapoors or David choes of the world. I encourage you to keep filling up the internet with digital garbage and this decades equivalent of mall art. Only thing it does is increase the value of mine.