Hi this is to remind you that your boss owes his previous designer 1,400 and that I will have my lawyers on behalf of my friend send you a cease and desist letter, and file complaints against you David blomeyer for violations pertaining to the freelance isn’t free act. And the VARA act. if you don’t remove any of their design work done by her because you and your boss are too stupid to know the value of design that’s obvious .
What you don’t understand is my friend used software licensed and belonging to her.
your company don’t own licensees to the software used you have no license to use the work and there is a thing called meta data genius.
Also because your boss was too stupid to understand that what my friend communicated about the website was not that there was any stipulations to it thus him choosing to not pay her due to the website not being used .
Doesn’t fucking matter. It doesn’t matter that he refused to sign a contract . She has written proof that a legally binding agreement was established so he fucked up bc when he took her name off the contract he sent her husband he effectively in writing paid her husband not her for the work done.
And you will be held liable for breaking intellectual property rights laws.
If you’re ever wondering why ux designers don’t respect the fraud that you are please remember it’s because you don’t do any work and you don’t respect and are envious of our salaries and skill sets.
Also that video is obviously fake that’s super embarrassing to post I mean wow.